Share Folder in Ubuntu 11.04 for Mac OSX Lion

I just bought a MacMini with OSX Lion 10.7. I chose 2.3GHz Mac mini and added 8 GB RAM on it. I also bought the wireless keyboard and magic mouse. Everything works great with pretty easy setup. Then connect it to the network via wifi.

Many people have problems with the Time Machine setup and connect to shared folder in other server. Some others gave up and down graded back to OSX 10.6 Leopard. I would also do the same is to connect a shared folder in my Ubuntu 11.04. Like many others I found this is not an easy way for me. I have tried Samba with no luck. Samba is no longer supported in OSX Lion. So I choose using Netatalk with little adjustment in OSX Lion to force it able to see legacy AFP.

I read there are ways to solve this problem. One that work for me is using Netatalk and AFP file sharing. There are many guidance you can use. I follow instruction available in the Apple support site, OS X Lion: Connecting to legacy AFP services. For additional reference I also read How to set up AFP filesharing on Ubuntu.

Please note that the shared folder setup in Ubuntu must be in ext4 format. Other format will not work due to only provide readonly to the drive when mounted. I also noted that I can only use IP address when connect to server, use server name doesn’t work.

I’m still struggling to enable the Time Machine feature. For time being the Mac is able to see the TimeMachine drive setup in Ubuntu but when I run the backup it (still) says that the network backup disk does not support the required AFP features. Somebody suggest to use newest beta version of netatalk. I need to try it. I will add here when I found the solution.

I found the right solution. Below is how I accomplished it.

Setup Netatalk

I have tried standard installation, but I found many problems to access it from Mac OSX Lion. I have not tried beta version as suggested in some articles, but I found Netatalk version 2.2.1 answers my problem. This version support NTFS format, so you don’t have to use ext4 format as in previous version. I have tested shared folders in NTFS and Ext4 format drive.

First let’s go to your Ubuntu 11.04. I use 32-bit version of Ubuntu 11.04, but I think should also works on other version. If you already setup Netatalk like me, you need to remove it.

$ sudo apt-get remove netatalk

Download Netatalk 2.2.1 here. Then extract and build it in Ubuntu.

$ tar xzf netatalk-2.2.1.tar.gz
$ cd netatalk-2.2.1
$ sudo apt-get build-dep netatalk

We use default prefix /usr/local, in case you want to use Ubuntu package in the future then it won’t conflict with this version.

$ ./configure --enable-debian

Build and Install Netatalk

$ make
$ sudo make install

Install the Avahi Daemon

$ sudo apt-get install avahi-daemon

Configure Netatalk.

$ sudo nano /usr/local/etc/netatalk/afpd.conf

Add the below code at the end of file line.

- -tcp -noddp -uamlist,, -nosavepassword

Setup a folder for Time Machine.

mkdir /backup
mkdir /backup/timemachine
chown macuser /backup/timemachine

You may change the folder name /backup/timemachine to your folder name, and macuser to your username that you already setup in Ubuntu.

Then setup the shared folder for Mac. Open AppleVolumes.default file using your favorite editor (I use nano):

$ sudo nano /usr/local/etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default

Add the following code to the end of the file:

/backup/timemachine TimeMachine allow:macuser cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv,tm

Please note the tm options. This is a mandatory for Time Machine, otherwise Time Machine will give you error that the AFP version is not supported.

I setup another shared folder so I can use it to store files that I will use in Ubuntu or Windows. First prepare a folder for sharing, give the ownership to macuser, then add it to the AppleVolumes.Default file. I created a folder called Files, add the line below to the end of the file:

/backup/files Files allow:macuser cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv

Note that I did not put tm option for shared folder.

Setup Avahi

$ sudo nano /etc/avahi/services/afpd.service

Add the following code to the file:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?><!--*-nxml-*-->
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
    <name replace-wildcards="yes">%h</name>

Start the Netatalk and Avahi services:

$ sudo service netatalk start
$ sudo service avahi-daemon start

Setup Mac OSX Lion

Now the Time Machine and shared folders are ready to use. Let’s go to the Mac part. We have to enable AFP legacy support. Open terminal and run the code below:

$ defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

Open Finder, then from the top bar menu click Go then select Connect to Server or press command-K. Enter the Ubuntu address in the Server Address with the following format:


Change macuser to your username that you setup in Ubuntu, and change the IP address to your Ubuntu IP. If everything ok, you will see the folders under Shared on the left bar.

Now the last part is testing it to make sure everything works as planned.  Open the Time Machine Preference in System Preference, click Select Disk, the timemachine drive should be in the list, select it, then click Use Backup Disk button. You will be asked for password, enter the password, click Connect button. Then turn On the Time Machine. Wait until the Time Machine start the backup, or click the Time Machine icon in the top bar, then click Backup Now.

As you see in the picture above, it took almost an hour for my first backup of about 1.7 GB. Not too bad. I use cable network instead of Wifi.

Now let’s test the shared folder setup. Open Finder from your Mac. You should see your server under the Shared on the left bar menu. Click the server and you will see your shared folder that you setup. Copy any file from your Document folder to the shared folder. If you see no error message, then congratulation you have done it!


This article is written based on various sources. All credits go to these articles:

88 thoughts on “Share Folder in Ubuntu 11.04 for Mac OSX Lion”

  1. Hi Nate and Ronald, Thanks for visiting. I have found the solution and already updated in this article as promised. I hope you find it useful. Enjoy!

    1. Hi David,

      I have not tried xfs format. The trick is to give permission to user who would have access to the disk. Ubuntu simply can’t do anything if the disk was not created by any of its sudoers. I hope that help solve your problem.

  2. First let me apologize for not thanking you for putting this tutorial up on your blog when I first commented the other day. This took a lot of research and thus work on your part, so THANK YOU!

    I followed this tutorial and it worked perfectly! I’ve missed having Apple’s Filing Protocol working on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS-64-server since I installed Lion on my MacBook Pro as well as my wife’s iMac. As I type my MacBook Pro is doing it’s first Time Machine backup since August.

    For the record, the space on my server that I am using for Time Machine is formatted using the “xfs” file system and the Time Machine backup seems to be working very smoothly. I doubt that it will not complete successfully but if that turns out to be the case I’ll repost.

    Thank you again!

    1. You are welcome David, and thanks to you too for your sharing. That’s the great thing from this blog community and using open source. Please post result of your case, I hope it works well.

  3. OK, Let me say just how perfectly this tutorial worked out. My MacBook Pro Time Machine backup is 196+ GB’s. It took about 14 hours to do the initial backup. About 2/3’s of the way into it I saw errors and thought that the backup had failed. Checking the toolbar I saw that I lost my WiFi connection (this is timely because my 2+ year old Time Capsule is starting to drop it’s 5 GHz connections periodically). Anyway, I restarted the backup and it picked up where it left off and completed successfully. Since the initial backup I have had 4 more successful Time Machine backups, so all is working perfectly.

    My MacBook Pro is running OS X Lion 10.7.1
    The Ubuntu computer is an Intel Atom D525 SuperMicro server board.
    The OS is Ubuntu 10.04.3-64 LTS
    The drives that are visible with Netatalk are using the xfs filesystem and one is also a logical volume.

    Reading and writing work flawlessly so again this tutorial is right on the mark!

  4. Thanks a million for this excellent tutorial, it was very straightforward and worked like a charm! I tried several others before this, with no success – but this just worked!

    Only one possible confusion: the AppleVolumes.default file modification.

    I suggest that you add an explanation for the AppleVolumes.default file. It was tricky for a ubuntu newbie like myself to know that “allow:username” should be changed to my actual username, and not be left intact like a variable in the text. Earlier on, you see, you used “macuser” as the placeholder for the actual username. My suggestion is that you continue with that same convention and add an explanation afterwards just in case.

    So the text then should read something like:

    Add the following code to the end of the file:

    /backup/timemachine TimeMachine allow:macuser cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv,tm

    As earlier, replace “macuser” with your username and change “/backup/timemachine” if you picked another folder earlier. Please note the tm options. This is a mandatory for Time Machine, otherwise Time Machine will give you error that the AFP version is not supported.

    While I am at it, to make the tutorial extra easy for the newbie, you may add, before starting to edit files, something like: "Configure Netatalk. Modify the afpd.conf file using your favorite editor (I use nano throughout):"

    That will make the newbie realize that she will enter an editor on the following command. Since most of the tutorial just entails pasting lines in the terminal, it is helpful for the beginner to get hands-up when something else is happening.

    Again, thanks for a great tutorial!

    1. Hi Nick,

      Its good to hear it works for you.

      You are right. I wrote it immediately when I found the solution. I know it will be useful. I will revise few things to make it more clear for readers. Thanks for your input.

  5. Thank *you* for putting it out there! “Google is your friend” is true only because of heroic posts like this! Keep up the good work.

      1. Yes guys, you’re right! I’ve reapplied all the steps above and the backup is finally working again.

  6. I have share my ntfs formated disk to OSX Lion. I added the following line to the /etc/fstab file:

    /dev/sdb1 /media/data ntfs-3g defaults 0 0

    See the file system type ntfs-3g for ntfs formated disk.

  7. I am probably a little over my head with this. Anyway I got everything done and when I tried to connect my mac finder says “There are no shares or you are not allowed to access them on the server.”

    I assume this is because I am not specifiying the folders properly. How do I make the “TimeMachine” and “File” folders for the mac to access? (to make it clear, I have 2 hard drives, and I want to dedicate 1 whole drive for the mac).

    Thanks for helping a new guy!

    1. If you have 2 hard disk, make sure both disks are mounted automatically. Usually Ubuntu detect automatically when you added new hard disks. If not, you can check it in your /etc/fstab file at your ubuntu PC.

      Next step is setup the shared folder as described in the article. Don’t forget to give access rights to the username that you will use in Mac. Read the setup folder part in this article. Then define the folder in AppleVolumes.default file. Restart the service, or reboot your Ubuntu PC and Mac.

  8. I just wanted to say this article worked great for me.

    After following several other articles, I would get as far as connecting to AFP Share, but always get stuck at the error about unsupported location.

    I am using Ubuntu 11.10 (32-bit) running in VMWare (1×2.4GHZ vCPU / 512MB Memory / 500GB Storage)


  9. Thank you so much for this! It has helped me immensely. I am just trying to share my home directory folder on my 11.04 ubuntu server edition with mac osx 10.7.2. I believe I’ve followed every step above to fruition (had some issues with missing dependencies along the way which I think I’ve fixed — I successfully have both netatalk and avahi-daemon services running — not sure if I need both just for file sharing) but anyway, I see my server in Finder, but cannot access it. I don’t see any folder names and when I click “Connect As” it says: There was a problem connecting to the server. The version of the server you are trying to connect to is not supported…

    I have tried many different things (including running samba) and can’t access my ubuntu folder on my mac. Any ideas?

    1. alltg,

      Have you tried connecting with avahi-daemon service disabled but netatalk running?
      Can you confirm which Version of Netatalk you are running? Can you elaborate on missing dependancies you encountered but believe you fixed?

      You said that you tried connecting via Samba, what about NFS?

      How is your shared volume in Ubuntu formatted? xfs?

      1. Thanks so much for the reply! It looks like I did not have netatalk installed correctly. I re-installed and now it appears to be working… Need to do a few more tests. I’ll report back — really appreciate the help,

  10. Thanks for the guide. I am able to do a backup to TM from Lion to Ubuntu 11.10. However, when I enter Time Machine, I do not see any files. The message “connecting” appears, then the Time Machine drive mounts on the desktop, but the flying-through-space interface never appears. Any ideas?

    1. I am having the exact same problem. My first backup completed and so do all the incremental backups. However, I cannot enter the Time machine just as Jeremy described. Anyone have a suggestion?

  11. Jeremy,

    When you see drive is mounted, can you browse the contents in Finder? Or can you manually connect to the TM share and browse? Do you see the Sparse Image created by TM?

  12. Thanks for your tutorial! But on my Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS i get error “Something wrong with the volume’s CNID DB, using temporary CNID DB instead.Check server messages for details. Switching to read-only mode.”


    1. Hi, check your shared folder in Ubuntu. Make sure the user you use has proper rights (chown the folder to user solve this issue). Check also in AppleVolumes.default. Make sure shared folder properly mapped and use right option.

      1. Strangely.

        500gb hdd drive ext4 mount to /media/timemachine/
        i’m create a folder: mkdir /media/timemachine/TM
        next step: chown tarya /media/timemachine/TM

        root@Homeless:/media/timemachine# ls -l
        drwxr-xr-x 2 tarya root 4096 Nov 25 01:07 TM (tarya – USER, root – GROUP)

        next: (nano /usr/local/etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default)
        /media/timemachine/TM TimeMachine allow:tarya cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv,tm,
        nano /etc/avahi/services/afpd.service etc…

        next: start service Netatalk & avahi-daemon

        In Lion connect to Folder: Command+K – afp://tarya@ – open empty window and error “Something wrong with the volume’s CNID DB, using temporary CNID DB instead.Check server messages for details. Switching to read-only mode.”

        Go back to Ubuntu

        root@Homeless:/media/timemachine/TM# ls -l

        drwxr-xr-x 3 root tarya 4096 Nov 25 01:15 Network Trash Folder
        drwxr-xr-x 3 root tarya 4096 Nov 25 01:15 Temporary Items

        ???? root tarya???!!! root – user, tarya – group?


  13. Hi,
    I am using Ubuntu 11.10 and Mac Os x lion 10.7.2 and I think I followed all the steps but I can’t connect to my ubuntu from my mac. I got a message ” There was a problem connecting to the server..”. Is this tutorial only for Ubuntu 11.04? If so , I might need to reinstall ubuntu. Thanks,

    1. I have not tried in Ubuntu 11.10 but I think should work fine. Make sure your AppleVolumes.default line is correct. Check if you already use tm option for time machine. From the message you described it looks there is problem in connection to your Ubuntu PC. Check if you can ping Ubuntu PC from your Mac. If you think all settings are correct restart both machine sometimes solve this issue.

  14. I’ve followed this to the letter and all I get is some internal error, as below.

    Media-server avahi-daemon[31319]: Invalid response packet from host
    Dec 10 11:06:00 Media-server afpd[31464]: ===============================================================
    Dec 10 11:06:00 Media-server afpd[31464]: INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 31464 (2.2.1)
    Dec 10 11:06:00 Media-server afpd[31464]: ===============================================================
    Dec 10 11:06:00 Media-server afpd[31464]: BACKTRACE: 3 stack frames:
    Dec 10 11:06:00 Media-server afpd[31464]: #0 /usr/local/sbin/afpd(netatalk_panic+0x29) [0x8096c99]
    Dec 10 11:06:00 Media-server afpd[31464]: #1 /usr/local/sbin/afpd() [0x8096de1]
    Dec 10 11:06:00 Media-server afpd[31464]: #2 [0xb770c400]

  15. Just wanted to add my two cents here.

    First off – thanks. This really helped me to get my Ubuntu server configured as a usable Time Machine.

    Secondly – like a lot of others, I’d used many other guides but with Lion they didn’t work. I was starting to wonder if 10.7.2 might have broken something again, but then I realised that I hadn’t removed the entries from the default netatalk entries, from other “solutions”.

    So…if you don’t seem to be getting anywhere and have tried other guides, I’d suggest going through the default netatalk folder (/etc/netatalk) and editing any of the relevant files to remove the entries.

    I also converted my file system from ext3 to ext4 but I’m not certain that was 100% necessary.

    Thanks gain.

    PS – to clarify, it certainly does work with 10.7.2

  16. Man am I struggling… It is still not working for me. background: i got this working perfectly on 11.04 using netatalk 2.2b4 following a maze of sites but basically doing all you have said. I allowed 11.11 update to run and everything broke. I followed through your article and am still stuck.

    i am not sure all the dependencies were installed when i followed your instructions to install netatalk 2.2.1, i did do the previous version uninstall first.

    i think avahi is working because i see my “Xserve” in my finder sidebar.

    my default volumes look like:
    ~/ “$u” allow:al cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv
    //media/sdd1/timemachine “$u TimeMachine” allow:al cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv,tm
    //media/sdd1/storage “$u Storage” allow:al cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv

    Before I could never get it to work without the full path, i tried some minor tweaks but still the same “server does not exist or is not available” error occurs when trying to connect from finder or connect to server as mentioned above, my static ip address is reserved properly.

    could trying to advertise with “$u TimeMachine” and “$u Storage” not be supported anymore? i am just beginning to believe something more serious is broken as nothing i’ve done here seems to help.

    previously i did not even have to set TM to show unsupported drives, netatalk worked so well and TM app was working too. I’m pretty sure all macs were on 10.7.2 by then as well.

    hmmm… fortunately this is not critical, just a test of sorts. I’d hate to have to do a clean install. I think next time LTS hits I’ll fix it and leave it alone. I hope I can fix it in the mean time. any ideas?

    1. My biggest problem after installing Netatalk 2.2.1 was that I had old entries in the files in the /etc folders as opposed to the /usr.

      Once I removed these, it all sprang into life using just the configuration above.

      I might add though, that although I’m on 10.7.2, my Ubuntu is only 11.04 still.

      1. I finally got netatalk 2.2b4 working perfectly on 11.04 but putting 11.10 update broke it. I went through the config files and all appear to be fine, as outlined above. I tried pulling 2.2b4 and installing 2.2.1 but it didn’t resolve anything. Thanks for the advice.

      2. I think I’ve narrowed down the issue to netatalk, behavior is the same whether the service is started or stopped. It does not echo anything when I start or stop it, should it?

        avahi service seems ok, when stopped my Xserve icon disappears from finder sidebar and it reappears again when avahi is started.

        I guess I need to go over my netatalk 2.2.1 install again but I am pretty new at this and i can’t always tell if things were done in the right order or if they completed as expected.

        I think when I put 2.2b4 in I found a .pkg and it went in ok, when I run make or make install i get errors that i’m not sure how to resolve.

        getting berkeley db and headers in is an example, i can find a lot of interface options but i know it’s not an interface i need. i finally found [dev] headers to get past some errors but getting that part right was hard for me to find info on, especially for 11.10. i could not even figure out if 11.10 came with a berkeley db component already or not and i struggle to find terminal commands to determine what versions of items are installed. again just examples.

        thanks in advance for any ideas!

  17. Hi,
    I’m trying for hours doing the guide but I got …”CNID DB instead.Check server messages for details. Switching to read-only mode”
    I got folders:
    drwxr-xr-x 3 timemachine root 4.0K Dec 28 13:22 timemachine
    with /backup/TimeMachine in it.

    I got this options also:
    /backup/TimeMachine TimeMachine allow:timemachine cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv,tm

  18. I have been trying to get my MBP (Lion) to backup to an AFP (netatalk) share on my Ubuntu 11.11 server. None of the instructions that I had found have worked at all… Until I found this post. Thank you.

    Here were my symptoms.

    After checking and double checking, installing, uninstalling and reinstalling I noticed ONE big difference between what I had been doing and what was shown here. The formatting of the drive.

    My Ubuntu server physical drive is not formatted as ext4. I thought, for giggles, I would take a spare 1TB drive and put it in a windows machine and boot with an Ubuntu Live CD.

    I booted to the live CD, formatted the 1TB drive as ext4 and mounted it. As soon as I created a user to own the share, time machine started working.

    This was a very helpful walk-thru. It’s folks that take the time to blog their solutions that make this fun for all.

    Thanks again,

      1. After my above post, I installed the drive in my Ubuntu 11.10 server, updated fstab and could not get it working again. (arghhh). I followed the instructions at and it sprang to life. It seems that these instructions, for my osx 10.7.2 this were required.

        I also restarted the server (not sure that mattered).

  19. Hi,
    I have managed to start TM working with my shares, but wandering why when I have declared two volumes, when I connect I see only the first one “TimeMachine” and TM use it.
    The second I want to use with my work Mac but now I see only one volume?

    /backup/TimeMachine TimeMachine allow:timemachine cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv,tm volsizelimit:100000

    /backup/TimeMachineW TimeMachineWork allow:timemachine cnidscheme:dbd options:usedots,upriv,tm volsizelimit:100000

    # End of File

    1. PS.
      and I have in user time machine home folder :

      /home/timemachine/backup$ ls
      drwxr-xr-x 2 timemachine root 4.0K 2011-12-28 13:22 TimeMachine
      drwxr-xr-x 2 timemachine root 4.0K 2011-12-31 14:01 TimeMachineW

  20. Please, I need your help.
    In first great tutorial, is great.
    I’ve done all you said and my Mac detects the shared folder but when TimeMachine tries to do the backup it fails. The error message is (I’ve translate from spanish): “The net backup disk is not compatible with the required AFP features”

    My shared folder is a NTFS partition in a USB volume.
    My ubuntu is 10.04 and my Mac OS X is Lion.

  21. I had trouble getting this to work until I found another post that had a slightly different afpd.conf line:
    – -tcp -noddp -uamlist, -nosavepassword

    After that, everything was great. I’m also using an xfs file system and had no issues. Using ubuntu 11.10 and OS X 10.7.2

    Thanks for the great info!

  22. I’m still struggling. I went through all my config files and I think they are ok, they worked great in 11.04 with netatalk 2.2b4 but the 11.10 update broke it. I had great backups going, the TM app was fine. I had 2 shares setup and my TM share did not require me set it to show unsupported disks, it couldn’t get any better.

    Now I get a “server may not exist or is unavailable” error from finder sidebar, where it shows reliably, and connect by ip does the same. with no user login prompt.

    I believe I have a loused up netatalk install and I’m not sure how to properly remove it or get it installed. 2.2.1 gives the same error as 2.2.2. when i got pissed and just reinstalled 2.2b4 from the software center over the top of it all i get prompted for login but then get a “check server name and ip address and try again” error.

    How can I reliably clear out old versions of netatalk and cleanly install the new version?

    1. The easiest way to remove the locally built/installed version is running “make uninstall” from the source directory from which it was built, but I guess that is not available anymore.

      You can get the current source, run “./configure” and then “make uninstall”. If the file locations haven’t changed between the version you compiled and the current one it should work.

  23. Can someone please explain the following step: “Download Netatalk 2.2.1 here. Then extract and build it in Ubuntu.”

    I have donwloaded netatalk.2.2.2.tar.gz (instead of 2.2.1) and it is sitting in my downloads folder.

    When I type tar xzf netatalk-2.2.2.tar.gz I get the following
    tar (child): netatalk-2.2.2.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting Now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

    1. sounds like you are not executing from the working directory. try typing cd(space)and drag downloads folder in to terminal then hit return so you are executing from the downloads folder, it should find the file then. i usually just double-click and select extract rather than trying extract from the command line. seems to work ok in 11.04 and 11.10… alternatively you could run “tar xsf (drag netatalk here)” for similar results. or I may not understand your issue.

    1. that worked for me…finally! I even had it just keep all my config files as they were! Yeay! TM volume appears in TM prefs WITHOUT setting anything to show unsupported volumes on the clients. In other words a working, SUPPORTED TN volume! TYTYTYTY!

    1. If you are getting that error using that recent version of netatalk you likely need to look at your config files very closely. sounds like the -tm switch is missing from apple defaults config file. As I mentioned just above I can connect with TM and I do not set the “showunsupportedvolumes” on lion TM either, also running 10.7.3

      1. also sounds like it could be in your afpd.conf, did you add that dhx2 makes a big difference and is not in the default config file. Hope that helps.

  24. I’ve followed multiple different tutorials and I’m still stuck. I retried your tutorial on a fresh Ubuntu 11.10 installation, but I get an error in Time Machine saying:

    Time Machine can’t access the backup disk “TimeMachine”.
    The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 2.)

    I can access the disk by connecting in the finder to exampleuser@, it just doesn’t want to back up in Time Machine.
    I’m using the folder /backup/timemachine which is owned by the correct user and has permissions 0750.

    I also tried removing the afpd.service file as suggested by a different tutorial. Apparently netatalk 2.2.x sets this up automatically without using this file. avahi-daemon still needs to be running though. Removing this file has had no effect on accessing the disk directly in finder.

    OSX Lion 10.7.3
    Ubuntu 11.10

    1. I don’t know if that is correct or if permissions 777 may work better. If TM can’t access it sounds like the tm flag may not be set in AppleVolumes.default. I did not have to set “TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes” with config files set as outlined. Also do you have the full path dialed in apple volumes.default? I had to setup with //server/disk/path to access my shares in apple volumes.default.

      1. tm flag is definitely set, and changing the permissions of the directory didn’t make a difference. Full path is set.
        I didn’t need to set “TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes” either, it showed up automatically as an available disk in Time Machine.

      2. is the TM directory empty? I also did not have to create a sparse bundle but TM does put hidden files in that directory, maybe you should be sure the TM directory is empty and try again. I had some garbage in mine after a few failed attempts. I also had some uuid issues with 11.04 but netatalk 2.2.1 seems to take care of that now (i would think that 2.2.2 is fine too). i assume you went through config files carefully and added the where needed.

      3. TM directory is completely empty. I’ve added to afpd.conf, is there anywhere else I need to add it?
        My afpd.conf line reads as this:
        – -tcp -noddp -uamlist,,, -nosavepassword

  25. i usually don’t take the time, but in this case… i can not express how grateful i am for your tutorial. it took 2 sys admins (linux, ms) 2hours of trial and error till we finally stumbled across this post and found the missing link. 2.2.1

    I can also confirm that this is still the way to go with the current 10.8 dev prev. 2

    thanks a lot!

  26. Just to share with you that this tutorial still works well with Ubuntu 12.04 and latest netatalk 2.2.3.

    Only one additional change needed to avoid “server may not exist..”. I declare the ubuntu IP so the line at afpd.conf should look like:

    SERVER -tcp -ipaddr (…the rest of the line is the same as in the tutorial)

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  28. Hi, I’ve recently upgraded to OSX Mavericks and since upgrade, Time Machine wanted me to create a new Backup. I did create new backup last week and incrementals have been running fine since the base. Now today Time Machine says I need to create a new Base again? I’m just wondering what others have experienced who upgraded to Mavericks?

    I’m backing up a MacBook Pro 13″ Early 2011
    My destination is Ubuntu 11.10 with Netatalk 2.2.3 I believe

    Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated.



  29. Hi Sean,

    I have two Macs, I have no issues with my Mac Mini after upgraded to Mavericks. I immediately can run Time Machine backup. No changes in the setting.

    That is not the case with my Macbook Air. I can see and mount the Time Machine drive in the Finder. But Timemachine looks couldn’t recognise it. I did the following steps to fix it:

    1. Check your computer name if its still using the same name with the sparsbundle file name.
    I found that in Mavericks asks you to use new name during upgrade, and every time when you install new major update or firmware update. If you click yes, your Mac will have new name which different with the original timemachine volume. Rename it back to original name. Check to your timemachine to backup again. If not work, go to step two.

    2. Repair the Timemachine volume.
    Open System Preference, mount your external timemachine drive, you should see the timemachine volume in the sidebar, select it, then click Repair button. Depend on how big is your backup file, this will take an hour or so. After finished your timemachine should back to work.

    I use Ubuntu 12.10 with Netatalk 2.2.3. But I think this shouldn’t be the problem.

    I hope it also works for you. Good luck.

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  32. Just want to share with you that I just upgraded my Mac to version 10.10.4 OSX Yosemite. All works like a charm without change anything on Ubuntu.

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